(Events And Activities)


WIEHACK 4.0, organized by the IEEE Student Branch of BVCOE, operang under its department of ECE, was a 36-hour women-centric hybrid international hackathon with the vision of providing a platform for creative and technical freedom while addressing the unfavorable gender ratio in engineering. It received tremendous parcipation and engagement. With 1,650 registraons, including over 50% female candidates from 15+ countries, the event showcased the global impact of the intiative. The hackathon featured a cumulative viewership of 2,000 on YouTube, 42,000 views on Unstop, and 2,100+ visitors on the website from 53 countries. Generous sponsors contributed to a prize pool worth $50,000, and a cash prize pool of around 60,000 INR. The event had 176 participants in offline mode and 400+ parcipants online, with the guidance of 4 speakers, 3 judges, and 6 mentors. Under the leadership of 5 event managers, 36 executive committee members, and 36 volunteers, the IEEE BVCOE student branch ensured a memorable experience. Ideas transformed into working solutions at WIEHACK 4.0, leaving a lasting impact. The event showcased the dedication and passion of the enthusiastic team of the IEEE Student Branch of BVCOE.


WIE STAR was an event conducted to promote Stem field among high school girls to encourage them to continue with their interests in this field .This educational outreach program was focussed at promong involvement of IEEE members with local junior high and high schools in order to create a posive image of engineering careers. Through a one-to-one interaction between society volunteers and a Student-Teacher Team, STAR helped in creang an interactive session with fun experiments and interesng project displays. The session concluded with an informative and exciting quiz along with some goodies for the students.


Build a robot that can kick a ball into the opponent’s Goal Post. Use your creavity and come up with innovative mechanisms to smash the ball into the goalpost. The teams are encouraged to come up with innovative ideas for robots as long as they adhere to the menoned rules and guidelines. Fixtures will be made according to the number of teams. The Competition will be a Bracket style tournament. The exact structure will be revealed on spot. Each match will last for 10 minutes: 5 minutes per half.

Tech-a-thlon 2.0

Tech-a-thlon 2.0 consisted of 3 rounds. Info-a-thon: A general quiz on the G20 summit was conducted on Quizizz. It was a time-based quiz. Judging was done based on the number of correct and timely answers. At the end of round 1, parcipants with lower scores were eliminated. Debug-a-palooza: It was a debugging competition held on google forms, where the parcipants were tested on their knowledge of coding and its intricacies. Each parcipant was given a problem that either had an error or that did not produce the intended effect, they had to read and rewrite only a few lines of code to fix these problems. Code-a-thon: In this round parcipants were given various problems sorted according to their difficulty, they had to solve these problems with the best of their abilies keeping in mind the time and space complexity.

HKN: SOP Workshop

The Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) subchapter of BVPIEEE, after a long time, organized a successful live session, “How to write quality SOP”. The session was organized for prospective students to help them build a great SOP (statement of Purpose) for their applications for higher education abroad. The session was taken by Mr. Ankur Sharan of 4Track Learning, who guided students theoretically and practically on how to write SOP along with multiple examples.


BVPIEEE celebrated IEEE day in collaboration with BVICAM on the 7th and 8th of October,2022.

The event's main attraction was the hackathon, which was conducted on 7th October. 500+ students registered alone, in the hackathon itself, out of which 250+ students were invited to the premises for the event. The winners included 6 teams that were given huge cash prizes along with certificates and swags for every participant.

Besides the Hackathon, several non-Tech events namely AD-MAD, Poster making, Reel making, Book fair, Volleyball, Lucky draw, Nukkad Natak, Storytelling, Group Dance, Short film making, Digital Cartoon making, P2C, Debate, GD, Radio Jockeying, Photography, and CV writing were also held on the 7th and 8th of October collectively. Every participant was also given a participation certificate and cool swags. The winners got amazing cash prizes as well.

Roadmap to ML/AI

The event was a seminar led by Mr Harshit Gaur, who explained to the students about what ML and AI is all about, intriguing their interest in the domain. He then walked the students through a proper roadmap of how to begin their journey of AI and ML. A quiz was also conducted by BQC in the middle of the event, around the topics discussed by our speaker. We had three winners who were awarded goodies. Toward the end of the session, our speaker Also demonstrated real-time working ML AI projects that allowed the students to get a better understanding of how applied machine learning works.


This was an offline fun event organized by BVPIEEE to welcome the freshers with enthusiasm. The event included games like piconary, whisper challenge, musical chairs, tug of war , drowsy kickball, paper dance and some fun acvities like quiz and photo booth. It was conducted on the college grounds and enjoyed acve parcipaon of over 150 students.

0th Workshop for Freshers

The Freshers were introduced to BVPIEEE and the subchapters and SIGs. Detailed information was shared regarding each component of BVPIEEE along with Past events, Roadmap for the Future, and other relevant information. The event was hosted by the Joint Secretaries, Anushka Mishra and Bhavini Bisht and team members of each Chapter It was conducted in the Auditorium and was uploaded on YouTube (refer to link above).


Audience ( Students from all years), were given a brief introduction to design, animation, different types of animation, successive logos, and what makes them successful was discussed. Parts of logo: colour, font, shape, use of grids, balance, golden ratio and similar technicalities were discussed. The event was supposed to be a brief introduction to a series of workshops, on basic design, and animation.


This event mainly targeted freshers from all branches preferably ECE. The students were provided with a basic introduction to ARDUINO. Afterward, parcipants were directed to use Arduino and make a guided project.


A fun offline event named FUNIEEE was organised by BVPIEEE on the 15th of March, 2022. This was the very first offline event organised by the team after the COVID halt. As the name suggests, the event was full of various fun activities to increase the interaction of IEEE members with the first and second years. The event consisted of games like-

  1. Paper dance- A newspaper dance with partners in which the paper is folded after every round. The pair which is able to accommodate on the newspaper for the longest time wins.
  2. Musical chairs- Whosoever is able to grab a chair after every round wins.
  3. Drowsy kickball- A fun game which shows who can take the best shot even after being somnolent.
  4. Pictionary- Guessing the figure drawn.
  5. Lemon race- Who can handle a lemon and chase the finish line?
several quizzes were also organised on web series and movies, which were a great entertainment for binge watchers and movie buffs. Another highlight of the day was the robotics display by RAS, which truly fascinated one and all. The event was organised in the afternoon in the college grounds itself and had a huge crowd of enthusiastic participants. The foot traffic was around 200.The event surely acted as a great way of interaction and was a significant source of fun and frolic. Poster signing by the team and the participants culminated the event.


9 Hr Offline Hackathon + B Plan Competition

You don't need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea. A quote by Larry Page that was justified when Plan2Hack, a 9-hour offline Hackathon and Business plan competition, was organized by BVPIEEE, the IEEE student branch of Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering on 12th May 2022. Defying all odds and setting new trends, it got over 1000 registrations from all over India. Our generous sponsors helped us in generating a prize pool worth Rs 30,000. The entire event was organized by the dedicated team of BVPIEEE under the supervision of Dr. Dharmender Saini (Principal, BVCOE), Mrs. Yogita Arora (Branch Counselor, BVPIEEE) . With a total of 8 themes to ideate upon: AgriTech, Sustainable Tourism, Work from Home, Health and Fitness, Automation, BlockChain, Civil Security and Open Innovation. The Event witnessed active participation from different parts of the country The Judges for the event were Akanksha Bhasin (Sr. Technical Community Evangelist, ,Ravi Baranwal (Co-Founder UPEPO technology labs) ,Preeti Rao (Founder & CEO, Weljii),Dolly Chaudhary (GIS Manager in Agri- Tech Development with IFFCO Kisan),Ankit Gupta (founder of SpaceStation Automation (SSA) Private Limited & its other Subsidiaries). There were 3 rounds in all, first one being the prototyping second the B plan and the 3rd presentation. The top three teams who proved to be the best amongst the crowd—Dreamers, Phoenix and team Atom.ino.. This eventful day culminated with the fun-filled team photos, and this was how Plan2Hack , an event full of lessons and experiences , was successfully completed.

Design Heist

“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.” — Pearl S. Buck. This fact got re-emphasized with the first edition of our Fourteen-Day long UI/UX Competition, Design Heist. It was organized by the WIE (Women In Engineering), CS (Computer Society), and Drishti SIG (Student-Interest group) of BVPIEEE, the IEEE student branch of Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, New Delhi from February 16 to March 1, 2022, under the supervision of Dr. Dharmender Saini (Principal, BVCOE), Mrs. Yogita Arora (Branch Counselor, BVPIEEE). The event saw a massive participation, receiving submissions from over 400 teams, with teams varying from a single participant to a team of four.

The event saw huge support from the sponsors - Balsamiq , Taskade , Voiceflow. They generously helped us bring forth a prize pool worth US$ 75,000. Design Heist was divided into Three Rounds. First one being the UI/UX Round followed by the Coding Round and the final Presentation Round. The top positions were bagged by the following teams-

  1. 3 SUM, Winner
  2. HackOverFlow, 1st Runner-up
  3. Alpha, 2nd Runner-up
At the end, Ideas were transformed into working solutions. Design Heist saw a great response from both the participants and the team. It was more than just an event, it was a learning opportunity for all of us.


International Women Centric Virtual Hackathon of 36 Hours
Youth is the harbinger of change. This fact got re-emphasized when the third edition of WIEHack, the 36-hour international women-centric virtual hackathon was organized by BVPIEEE, the IEEE student branch of Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering on 22 nd -23 rd May,2021. Defying all odds and setting new trends, it got registrations from all over the globe. Our generous sponsors helped us in generating a prize pool worth $40,000. The entire event was organized by the dedicated team of BVPIEEE under the supervision of Dr. Dharmender Saini (Principal, BVCOE), Mrs. Yogita Arora (Branch Counselor, BVPIEEE). With a total of 8 themes to ideate upon: Space Technology, Financial Technology, Education Technology, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Women Safety, Open Innovation and a surprise theme., the event witnessed massively active participation from about 25 countries. Judges for the event wereAyon Roy (AI, ML Innovator, community builder, and tech speaker), Prudhvi Potuganti (Data Scientist and Founder of Supervised Learning- an E-learning platform), Swanand Kadam (Creator of HideFeed and Sub2Text), Joinal Ahmed (MLOps Evangelist and Senior Data Scientist at Halodoc ID), Shifa Cyclevala (Founder at Hacktify Cyber Security), Usha Rengaraju (Founder of NeuroAI and a unicorn data scientist).

WIEhack 3.0 saw 497 teams from 25 countries competing for a prize pool worth $40,000. We had 9 partners onboard who generously provided us with the prize pool and supported us financially. The guidance of 6 speakers, 7 judges, 5 panelists and 5 mentors helped the teams and enlightened them on various topics. The vision of 3 supervisors was put to action by 36 executive committee members and 36 volunteers under the leadership of 3 event managers. BVPIEEE left no stone unturned to make the participants' experience of the hackathon a memorable one. Ideas were transformed into working solutions at WIEHack 3.0 We look forward to organizing many such events in the future.


The second edition of our flagship event, InnoviCon was held from 10th-14th August,2020 under the theme Higher Education. The aim of this track was to give insights on various examinations like UPSC, GRE, GMAT, CAT, GATE, TOEFL etc. and the requisites for the same. Counsellors with over 10 years of experience from esteemed organisations such as Career Launcher and Leverage Edu enlightened the attendees with their thorough knowledge. The event, with a viewership of 2000+ attendees, was highly successful.


A 24-hour competitive coding sprint and a Webinar was organised on June 22-23, 2020 by WIE and CS chapters, to mark the celebration of International Women In Engineering (WIE) Day. The competition was organised in collaboration with Coding Blocks with around 110+ participants. The winners were awarded prizes of worth Rs 75,000. The webinar focused on “Striking the Right Balance: Learning and Contributing”. Prominent women speakers from the industry namely, Ms. Vijji Vennekalanti (Consultant at Toptal, CTO & Co-founder at Lima Hub) and Ms. Ekta Mishra (Mentor for Code For Cause) addressed the theme and announced the results.

Plan for India

The ability to develop ideas gives you the freedom to build anything and that is empowering beyond imagination. With the motive to empower and give more opportunities to developers with an idea, BVPIEEE IAS, a sub-chapter of IEEE in collaboration with E-Cell organized an event PLAN FOR INDIA in the auditorium of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering.
The event was organized on 16.04. 2019. The event was divided in two phases, i.e. elevator pitch and final pitch. Every team was provided with three minutes to give a brief idea about their Business Plan. The first phase got over with a lunch cum networking session.
All the teams were promoted for the second phase of the event, in which they were provided 7-8 minutes to describe their Business Plan. Team “Sharp” secured the first position and were provided with a prize of Rs.15,000. Team “Techtuners” secured the second position and were provided with a cash prize of Rs.10,000 and the third position was secured by team “Clean Power” who received a cash prize of Rs.5,000. In addition to this, all teams were provided with a premium sketch license. The event ended with a speech which was delivered by Chetanya Ved, E-Cell Head Supervisor and Divyansh Malhotra, Chairperson Of BVPIEEE

WIEHACK 2.0 (Online) 2020

One of the most successful events of BVPIEEE, WIE HACK 2.0 was aimed at bringing out the talent in all women developers out there. The online hackathon provided flawless exposure to all the women coding enthusiasts. With over 178 teams registered and 75 lone wolves, we had over 500 women developers, from all parts of the world coming together. WieHack 2.0 was not just an ordinary hackathon, it aimed to provide support to fight the outbreak of COVID 19 all over the world and so had a theme to innovate new solutions to find the pandemic. Other themes like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Women Security, and Smart cities saw many new ideas taking shape. WIE HACK 2.0 was a 36-hour all women online hackathon which was conducted on 8th and 9th April 2020. The live stream started at 8:30 a.m. on YouTube. It started with the basic introduction of the society, general instructions concerning the event and announcement of the themes by various speakers of BVPIEEE.


On 2nd-3rd February, 2019, New Delhi witnessed the very first of its kind Artificial Intelligence and Data Science themed technical conference – “InnoviCon: Artificial is the new real”, organised at an undergraduate level by BVPIEEE, the IEEE student chapter of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering. More than 100 eager attendees interested in the field of Data Science and AI had come to be part of the event. Eminent experts of the field like Prof. K.K. Biswas (IIT Delhi), Aravind Putrevu (Developer Advocate at ElasticSearch), Ankit Prasad (CEO, Bobble AI) and Janu Verma (Data Scientist at Hike) graced the occasion with their highly insightful keynote speeches. In addition to that, the conference had three parallel tracks – Fundamentals of AI, Applications of AI and Workshops.

The tracks included various guest talks by industry professionals and academicians. Any technical conference is incomplete without hands-on experience of cutting edge technologies. The IBM Watson, Elastic Stack- Search, Kibana and Beats, and Fundamentals of Neural Networks’ based hands-on workshops ensured the highest level of attendee engagement during the conference. Attendees were also enlightened about internship opportunities offered by DeepSight AI Labs, SocialCops and Incuspaze from the organisations’ representatives. With 4 keynote sessions, 14+ guest talks, lightning talks, 3 workshops, resume booth, and the highly engaging panel discussion, InnoviCon turned out to be a delightful opportunity for students and professionals to gather valuable insights into the recent technological trends and network with fellow attendees.

Aurora: Painting the Sky

BVPIEEE RAS conducted a 5 days drone workshop series called Aurora: Painting the Sky, in collaboration with Makers and Drishti SIGs.
The workshop took place on 28.12.2018-4.01.2019 in the library. The focus of the workshop was to recreate the natural phenomena- aurora a.k.a. Northern lights using drones and light painting techniques and finally draw shapes, patterns and images in the sky. Siddhart Talia (Makers Head) along with Kshitij Sidana (RnD Head, RAS) initiated the workshop by explaining students about drones, the various components that go into its making and related concepts such as control algorithms and path planning. Kshitij then apprised the students about photography concepts like ISO, shutter speed, exposure and f-stop. The later days of the workshop witnessed the presence of E-cell Head, who inspired the students to use this knowledge and come up with solutions to everyday problems with the goal of building a start-up. Towards the end of the series, students implemented the concepts learnt and drew some images in the sky using the technique of light painting, accomplished by the use of drones having autonomous capabilities.
With a footfall of 64 attendees from different colleges, all geared up to apply the concepts learnt about 3D printing, architecture, project planning, drone delivery, transportation and various other fields, the workshop was a big success.


WIEHack, the 24-hour all-women hackathon was organized by BVPIEEE on 4-5th October, 2018. It got registrations from over 100 all-women teams pan India out of which 24 teams were shortlisted on the basis of their GitHub/LinkedIn Ids.Themed 'Build for India', the hackathon witnessed 80 women developers putting their creativity and development skills to test and coming up with ingenious solutions to social and economic concerns and safety. The flow of events was as follow. Morning registrations were followed by inauguration ceremony where instruction about submission deadlines and basic guideline was given. The ideas were submitted by the teams before the lunch which was then proceeded by intense coding hours till the next day. Comfortable accommodations, a night session on business modeling and architecture and provision for tea-coffee were organized for the participants.

The teams presented their final products to the judges the next morning. Team CodeOn bagged the first position for the affordable women safety device which will be able to sense an attempt of sexual harassment and assist them to get out of the situation safely, followed by team Technocrats who showcased a device to assist the blind people in reading and interpreting text. Team ByteMe won the Third position for coming up with a unique idea for making education widely accessible. The winning teams were awarded with cash prizes of Rs. 15k, 10k and 5k for first, second and third position respectively. They were also presented with internship opportunities at Paytm and Incuspaze. . One of the 24 teams got a direct entry into IIM Finpitch Challenge 2018. The event ended with the prize distribution ceremony on 5th October with Divyansh Malhotra, Chairperson BVPIEEE giving it a closure.

WIE STAR program

The second edition of STAR (Student-Teacher And Research) program was organized by the Women In Engineering Affinity Group of BVPIEEE on 5th November 2018 in Rajkiye Pratibha Bal Vikas Vidyalaya. More than 50 students from classes 9th, 10th and 11th attended the session and were taught the fundamentals of programming along with its applications by Abhinav Sobti and Priyal Sobti; members from team BVPIEEE. Adopting a fun approach, the students were taught the concepts of coding through analogies. Also, basic concepts of Robotics were introduced and a differential drive robot and face detection wireless robot were displayed with the aim of creating awareness about Engineering and its applications in all walks of life.


The 10th edition of the fest was organised on March 7-8, 2018 with a lot of enthusiasm and saw a footfall of over 3000 students. The two-day extravaganza was preceded by the ‘Online Fervour’, a series of online events conducted on the official facebook page of Fervour. The flagship events, Hacktivate- a 24-hour development hackathon, and Technovation- a technical projects exhibition and competition, were a great success. While Robostacle and the Line Follower Challenge fueled the craze of robotics, Death Star saw programmers interlocked in a competitive coding battle. B-plan tested the participants’ ability to present a viable business plan, and Joey Doesn't Share Food gave all the foodies a chance to prove themselves. The highlight of the fest was a drone show organised by SDIoT. The flying FPV quadcopter captured the audience's imagination. Prizes worth 10 lakh were given away in various online and offline events and BVPIEEE successfully continued its legacy of hosting one of the finest techno-managerial fests in the city.